
Music composition for Film and TV

Hi. We’re Dan and Rob - AKA Bunkersonix.

We love music, the feeling it gives you and the power it brings to a story. We write, play and produce original sound, music and songs for amazing content producers in TV, film and commercials. Whether concocting a stirring soundtrack or an imaginative song, helping them bring their stories to life is a bit of an obsession!

The Bunkersonix score was amazing! For those of us who enjoy editing music, it was a dream!
US lead editor for Discovery - Jo Shilling

I really enjoyed working with you. I think you were the only sane bit about that job, and was really impressed with your work!
Steve White - Producer/Editor

Absolutely beautiful; really sweet, very catchy and I’ll be singing it in my sleep for years to come!
Steve Backshall

Easily the best album out there for kids, and I love it too! / A pefectly contructed album!

Amazon reviews


Rob +44 7968126732

Dan +44 7971 136199





12 Colston Yard, Bristol. BS1 5BD